Case studies


At some conferences, it is important to know about the participants WHO, WHEN and HOW MUCH time they are present at the event. We are talking about regulated conferences. Certain professions need appropriate knowledge, either by acquiring it or by updating it by the law. Training and testing of knowledge are carried out by chambers, which grant licenses as a license to perform work. These licenses can be acquired and renewed through License Points or CPD (Continuing Professional Development). These professions include medicine, architecture, engineering, law, education, and sports coaches… In most developed countries around the world, certain regulated professions are defined by law: At these (regulated) conferences, 1 hour of attendance means 1 credit point.


The problem we have noticed is that the time of participation in an individual lecture is not often checked, despite the law, which is supposed to ensure that an individual in a profession based on a license acquires sufficient knowledge, he then applies it to society. We were often given excuses not to check this seriously enough due to the crowds at the entrances to the lecture hall. So, due to technical limitations and “customer experience”, there are no long lines and crowds in the control of the passages to the halls, they rarely do that, although they should. A similar answer is even more common at regular conferences, due to the crowds at the entrances to the halls. This was the main reason for the development of the RFID UHF tower, which automatically records the transition time of an individual.


The first reference from the point of view of regulated conferences was the EUMASS conference (Congress of the European Association of Physicians in Insurance Medicine and Social Insurance), which was held in Ljubljana. For the client, we conducted an online registration for the participants and their companions, when each participant received a ticket after registration and payment, with which they could register at the event. Upon registration, he/she received accreditation that contained an RFID UHF chip through which we could track attendance. When an individual walked past an RFID UHF tower, the individual was recorded. Everyone present at least 80% of the time automatically received an electronic survey/test at their email address. The questions were known, so the type of exam was closed. Points were earned based on performance on the test.

RFID UHF towers have justified their task, there has never been a crowd due to gate control (recording the time of entry and the time of exit).

What did they gain from this:
  • Organizers: fewer crowds, fewer employees (lower costs) than required for manual scanning at gateway control
  • Participants: less waiting and crowding and thus a better user experience
  • Lecturers: the exact number of attendees, time attendance, the exact list of attendees

Collaboration with venue providers and event organizers

In this case study, we will explore how IDConference can successfully collaborate with event organizers, venue providers and hoteliers to enhance attendee management at events, providing efficient experience for both event organizers and attendees.


We still observe that many event organizers continue to use traditional manual methods for participant registration. Traditional methods often involve cumbersome paperwork and manual processes, leading to inefficiencies and a less-than-optimal attendee experience. One major pain point is attendee management, which involves registration, check-in, and tracking attendees throughout the event.


Recognizing the need for a more efficient and streamlined attendee management process, IDConference approached venue providers and hoteliers with a collaborative proposal. The idea was simple yet powerful: integrate IDConference’s attendee management solution into the organizers work flow to create a seamless experience for event organizers and attendees.

IDConference is a flexible solution meaning that we offer our “products” in addition to the organizer’s, and they are very easy to use, providing the organizer with a comprehensive package. There are three key steps that we include:

  • Connection: Event organizers usually use their system for event management. IDConference is a solution that can adapt to an existing organizer’s system or replace necessary parts such as the registration form and landing page, marketing automation, manage attendee data, including real-time check-in and badge printing.
  • Customization: The attendee management solution was customized to meet the specific needs and branding requirements of each venue. This allowed for a consistent and professional look and feel across all events hosted at the venue.
  • Staff Training: IDConference provided comprehensive training to venue staff to ensure they were proficient in using the attendee management system. This training helped reduce the learning curve and ensured smooth event operations.

So, due to technical limitations and “customer experience”, there are no long lines and crowds in the control of the passages to the halls, they rarely do that, although they should. A similar answer is even more common at regular conferences, due to the crowds at the entrances to the halls.


The collaboration between IDConference, event organizers and venue providers/hoteliers resulted in several significant benefits:

  • Efficiency: Attendee management became significantly more efficient, with reduced wait times during check-in and streamlined registration processes.
  • Enhanced Attendee Experience: Attendees enjoyed a seamless and hassle-free experience, leading to higher attendee satisfaction rates.
  • Cost Savings: The elimination of manual processes and paperwork reduced administrative costs for event organizers and venues.
  • Real-time Insights: Event organizers gained access to real-time data and analytics, allowing them to make informed decisions and adjustments during the event.


The partnership between IDConference, event organizers and venue providers/hoteliers showcases the power of collaboration in the events industry. By integrating innovative attendee management solutions, event organizers, venues, and attendees all benefit from a more efficient and enjoyable event experience. This case study highlights the positive impact of such collaborations and underscores the importance of embracing technology to stay competitive in the ever-evolving events industry. In the video below, you can see how we implemented our solution at Fantastični prostori in Ljubljana.

The Football Coaches Association of Slovenia

The Football Coaches Association of Slovenia (ZNTS) faced a challenge in ensuring the actual attendance of coaches at educational events and training. Traditional attendance tracking methods were inefficient and did not guarantee that coaches who registered for events physically attended them, which is crucial for earning points toward license renewal. The first to approach the problem-solving were the members of the Kranj Football Coaches Association. To address this issue, a collaboration was formed to introduce an RFID card system tailored for the Association. Unlike traditional or digital tickets, coaches were issued RFID cards, which they would carry to events. These cards were scanned upon both entry and exit, providing a precise record of attendance.

Implementation Steps

  1. RFID Card Distribution: Coaches were issued personalized RFID cards, designed to be used across multiple events.
  2. Event Check-in and Check-out: At events, coaches’ RFID cards were scanned upon both arrival and departure, using our specialized scanning system. This ensured accurate tracking of attendance durations.
  3. Data Collection and Reporting: The system automatically collected data on coaches’ participation, which was then used to generate detailed attendance reports. These reports served as the basis for allocating professional development points and facilitating license renewal processes.


  • Accurate Attendance Tracking: The RFID system provided a fail-proof method of tracking attendance, ensuring that only the actual presence of coaches at events was recorded.
  • Efficiency and Convenience: This solution streamlined the check-in and check-out processes, making it easier and faster for coaches to attend events while simplifying administrative tasks for the Association.
Enhanced Data Integrity: With precise entry and exit times, the Association could better assess participation and engagement, leading to more informed decisions regarding coach development programs.


Based on the solution for the Kranj Football Coaches Association, we developed the solution for the whole Football Coaches Association of Slovenia. In collaboration with ZNTS, we developed a digital tracking process tailored to address this challenge. The solution involved a simple yet effective system where coaches receive event tickets via email, which are then scanned at the event using our specialized application. This process verifies event registration and attendance, ensuring coaches’ presence is accurately recorded.

Implementation Steps

  1. Digital Ticketing: Coaches receive digital tickets for events, sent directly to their email addresses.
  2. Event Check-in: Upon arrival, coaches’ tickets are scanned using our application, which verifies their registration for the event and records their attendance.
  3. Attendance Reporting: After the event, a report is generated listing all attending coaches. This report is used to allocate points towards their license renewal.


  • Verified Attendance: This system guarantees that only coaches who physically attend events earn points, encouraging genuine participation.
  • Efficiency: Digitalizing the attendance process significantly reduces the time and effort required to monitor and verify coaches’ presence at events.
  • Streamlined License Renewal: By automating the tracking and reporting of attendance, the process for renewing coaching licenses is simplified and expedited.


The partnership with the Football Coaches Association of Slovenia (ZNTS) and the implementation of a digital attendance tracking system exemplify the importance of leveraging technology to enhance the efficiency and integrity of professional development in the sports industry. This case study demonstrates how digital solutions can streamline administrative processes, ensure compliance with training requirements, and ultimately support the professional growth of coaches.

RISK conference

The RISK Conference is the leading event in the region for cyber technology experts, information technology professionals, and data security specialists who aim to stay abreast of developments. The conference was first held in 2006 by Real Security and provides a platform for exploring the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in managing cyber technology, information technology, and data security. It offers attendees the opportunity to gain insights into trends, connect with peers, and learn new strategies for navigating the ever-changing industry.

Challenges and innovative solutions for conference execution

The first challenge encountered in the inaugural year was the digitalization of the attendee arrival process, particularly tracking attendance at individual lectures. A digitalized ticket issuance process, attendance tracking, personalized attendee gifts, and lead retrieval – digital contact exchange between attendees and potential collaborators – were offered. The following year, the desire arose for complete digitalization from registration onwards, along with real-time event updates and a closing thank you message at the end of the event. To address these challenges, we decided to offer the EventIDmat solution, integrated into the conference’s WordPress website, enabling an automated registration process and issuance of paid e-tickets. EventIDmat also handles all communication with attendees before, during, and after the event. Additionally, it enabled attendees to provide feedback to speakers on specific lectures attended.

The solution also included advanced attendee tracking, conducted in five parallel halls. In the largest hall, due to the number of attendees (500+), contactless RFID towers were installed for seamless access and contactless attendance recording. Several sponsors presented their solutions at the event, for which we implemented a digital contact recording system – “lead retrieval”, significantly improving interaction between exhibitors and potential customers.

Personalized gifts were managed by scanning the attendee’s accreditation and receiving information about the type of gift corresponding to each attendee.

This comprehensive event process digitalization solution (attendee management) elevated the event to a higher quality level – (attendee user experience – customer experience). It provided organizers with deeper insights into attendance at individual lectures, which can also assist them in the future from both the speakers’ perspective and topic selection.

Lastly, we ensured greater security (the number of attendees in each room is known at all times) and prevented potential abuses, while significantly simplifying and optimizing the entire execution process of the RISK conference.



The company Valior wanted to organize a special event for their clients at Cankarjev dom for their 10th anniversary. Their wishes were clear and specific: they wanted to send personalized emails to all their clients, addressing some clients formally and others informally, depending on their relationship with them. Clients could confirm or decline attendance at the event with a simple click on “I will attend” or “I will not attend.” This process would repeat until all invited guests responded.

Personalized tickets for the event were to be sent to all who confirmed their attendance. Additionally, they wanted to send a welcome SMS message to all participants who attended the event.


With our EventIDmat solution, we were able to import the entire client database, add the company’s domain, and automate the entire process on their behalf. When visitors arrived at the event, we used the EventIDtrack solution to scan their tickets, either on their phones or in physical form and stored the data back into the database.

After the successful event, we sent thank-you emails to all who attended.


Our solution allowed Valior to organize and execute the event flawlessly, contributing to their success and client satisfaction.


The Computer Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) is an American nonprofit trade association that issues professional certifications for the information technology (IT) industry. They are one of the leading associations in the field of certificate quality. CompTIA events foster the collaboration, learning opportunities, and resources needed to analyze and capitalize on trends and effectively plan for the future. They bring the technical community together with their leadership forums, regional events, virtual meetings and more – so that everyone can contribute their ideas and visions for the industry. Monitoring the movement of participants is mandatory at certain conferences or training. Participants are often required by law to attend educational conferences to maintain their licenses or obtain certifications because 1 hour equals 1 credit point. If the conferences are large, there may be delays in registration, and the organizers cannot know exactly when the participants arrived and how long they stayed at the training. There may also be complications with the receipt of certificates and the identity of the recipients.


However, how to monitor the presence of 2,500 participants in several halls at the same time and avoid congestion? For the control of the passage to take place smoothly and without jams, there are two options: 1. Staff that scans each accreditation separately or 2. Automation, which performs this automatically. We are advocates of automation and digitization and that is why we have developed RFID UHF towers. For recording to be possible, each accreditation must contain an ultra-high frequency (UHF) RFID label. The towers are independent units (IoT) that can work online or offline and as soon as they are connected to the Internet, they send data to the EventID web application. All individual data obtained from the online application form are linked to a unique ID number (UID). When the RFID UHF tower reads the label, only this is recorded in the system.

In this way, the permissions of an individual participant can be changed in real-time, and of course, attendance can also be monitored, and all collected data is then available for the creation of final reports. Therefore, due to technical limitations and “customer experience” that there are no mentioned long lines and crowds at the control of entrances to the halls, they rarely do this, even though they should. A similar answer is even more common at regular conferences, i.e. because of the crowd at the entrances to the halls. This was the main reason for the development of the RFID UHF tower, which automatically records the time of an individual’s passage.


With the towers, we can automatically detect accreditation at a distance of up to 2 meters so that participants can freely pass through the gates without creating congestion. Additional personnel is not required and thus additional personnel costs are avoided. This solution was used at the CompTIA conference in Washington, where our platform was connected via APIs to our client’s online participant registration application. The registration, issuance and recording of passes went without a hitch, thus achieving one of the main goals.